

  • For prescription refills we require   24-48 hour notice . We will try to refill your prescriptions as soon as possible. 

  • Patient may be required to pick up  Scheduled II  prescriptions  in person at the office. We don't mail prescriptions for controlled substances.

  • If you experience side effects or reactions to a prescribed medication, please call us as soon as possible.  

  • Requests for refills and other inquiries can be made via the patient portal. Please contact the office during business hours to establish a portal account. 

For your scheduled office visit: 

  • Please bring all your medications and an up-to-date list of all medications .

  • If this is the first visit for you, please bring available medical records, MRI films and X-ray copies if possible. 

  • Sometimes bringing a witness of an event like a seizure or passing out spell is invaluable resource during your evaluation. 

  • If your insurance has changed please inform the office staff when you check in. Copy of the insurance card and  a state issued ID card is required on the chart


  • If your health  insurance requires a referral to a specialist please make sure your Primary Care Physician has already approved a referral. This will avoid unexpected medical bills to you and save you time. The referral has to be updated frequently by your primary care physician based on your need for care. 

  • Random urine drug screening, and random pill counting are performed if scheduled drugs are prescribed. 

  • We do not perform chronic pain management. 

Providing Neurology and Sleep medicine services in North-Central Alabama